
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Mother-ease All In One Diaper Review & Giveaway! Ends July 13

And the winner is Gianna! Congratulations! Please look for my email & respond within 48 hrs.
Hi everybody. I know it's been a long absence & I apologize, but during the time that I've been away I've been testing out a couple of wonderful products for reviews/giveaways.

Mother-ease Cloth Diapers has been extremely generous, & has agreed to supply both myself & one lucky reader with a size Small All In One Diaper & a small cotton terry Sandy's Absorbent Liner. The size small Fitted All In One by Mother-ease will fit babies from 10-20 lbs, so there's plenty of room to grow into these! The diapers sell for $15.95 & the small cotton terry Sandy's Liner sells for $2.00 on their website. Therefore, you'll be receiving a gift valued at $17.95. I'll give you the details of the giveaway at the end of the review, along with the requirements by both Mother-ease & myself for entry. Please make sure that you follow the directions carefully. The giveaway ends at 12 noon CT on July 13, 2011.

For those of you unfamiliar with Mother-ease Cloth Diapers, they are a cloth diapering system that offers many different diapering options. Mother-ease was developed by a Canadian Mom named Erika Froese when she became unhappy with traditional flats & rubber diaper covers. Erika created her first cloth diaper in 1991 for her fourth son Sandy. She began with the All In One, moved on to the Sandy's for heavy wetters, & then the One Size diaper. They've just added 3 more cloth diapers to the line recently! Mother-eas Cloth Diapers now offers the Wizard UNO All In One, the Wizard DUO All In Two, & the EasyStuff One Size Pocket. The business is family run by Erika & her husband Rick.

My Review:

I've been testing my small All In One diaper & a small Sandy's Liner for about the past 2 weeks, & I LOVE it! Both the diaper & liner are super easy to use & care for. There are so many wonderful things to say about this diaper that I don't know where to start. I guess I'll start by showing you what I received in the mail first. :o)

The Mother-ease All In One Sz small diaper & Sandy's Liner, as well as an information flyer about general care.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the Mother-ease All In One system, it's a breathable diaper that combines the outer waterproof cover with the inner absorbent cotton diaper. It has side snaps that allow for ventilation like no other diaper on the market! The plastic snaps on the side allow you to customize the fit & makes diapering easy.  They are available in 3 different sizes - Small (10-20 lbs), Large (20-35 lbs), & XLg (35-45 lbs).

I washed my Mother-ease All In One & Sandy's Liner 3 times instead of the recommended 6 before testing them the very first time. They were tested during regular daytime use the 1st time. I simply laid the Sandy's liner inside of the diaper, & it didn't add to the bulk at all. They worked perfectly! They were nice & soft, & got baby Patty Cake's smile of approval. The All In One didn't leak, & I loved the fact that I didn't have to fiddle with a diaper cover. I think one of my favorite things about this diaper is that unlike other fitted diapers, you don't have to move up to the next size so quickly! My daughter is admittedly petite for a 4 month old at 11 lbs. However, with some of the other fitted diapers I've researched it appears that I would need to purchase a new diaper roughly every 3 months with her 1/2 oz per day weight gain. I imagine Moms with larger babies are having to move to the next size every couple of months. I appreciate the fact that the size small diapers will last Patty Cakes until she's roughly 8 or 9 months old!!!

The second time I tested the All In Ones with the Sandy Liner was for nighttime use. My little one sleeps about 6 1/2 hrs during the first stretch, wakes to nurse, & then goes back to sleep. She doesn't enjoy being wet & will complain loudly. I was expecting to be woken up before her usual 5 am feeding time. However, not only did she sleep all the way through until her usual 5 am feeding time, but went back to sleep afterwards & didn't need to be changed until around 8:30 am! That means that she wore the same cloth diaper for 10 hrs straight WITHOUT A LEAK! To say that I was impressed is an understatement!

I've used the All In One & Sandy Liner several times since. Now I tend to use the All In One by itself during the day & use it with the Sandy's Absorbent Liner at night only.

This is an attempt to show both the waterproof cover & absorbent cotton inner.

This is the All In One unsnapped, exposing the inner diaper.

This is what the All In One & Sandy's liner looked like after being washed.

This is my sweet little Patty Cakes modeling her All In One diaper happily.


1) Very soft & absorbent.
2) They fit well, & I love the side snapping air flow vents.
3) They are 100% leak free!
4) Generous sizing for a fitted diaper.
5) Of course, because it's an All In One there's no need for an extra diaper cover.
6) Affordable!


Really there are no cons. If I have to pick one, I'd say that it's the fact that you do eventually have to move up to the next size. However, as stated earlier these dipes

The Giveaway

Now for the part that you've been waiting for! Mother-ease Cloth Diapers is kindly sponsoring this giveaway for a sz small All In One & Sandy's cotton terry liner. The giveaway ends at 12 noon CT on July 13, 2011. I'm using's List Randomizer to select my winner after checking that all tasks have been completed. The winner will have 2 days to respond to my email notifying them that they've won. If they don't respond within 2 days, a new winner will be selected.

You have the opportunity to be entered a total of 8 times if you follow the directions below. You MUST complete the 1st task  to be entered, but if you'd like to be entered 7 more times please complete the other tasks as well for a total of 8 entries. Please be fair & only enter with one email address. I will check all comments personally to make sure that you've completed the tasks, & those that haven't will be deleted & disqualified. No multiple entries please.

1) Follow me publicly with Google Friend Connect, & comment to this post with your name & email addy telling me you've done so.

2) Subscribe to my blog via email, & comment to this post with your name & email addy telling me you've done so.

3) Vote for my blog on "We're On The Fence" by clicking on the button to the right, & then comment to this post with your name & email addy telling me you've done so.

4) Tell me why you would like to win this product, & comment to this post with your name & email addy telling me you've done so.

5) Follow Mother-ease Cloth Diapers on Twitter. & then comment to this post with your name & email addy telling me you've done so.

6) Sign up for Mother-ease Cloth Diaper's Forum. & then comment to this post with your name & email addy telling me you've done so.

7) Become a fan of Mother-ease Cloth Diapers' Facebook Page. However, Mother-ease has asked me to request that you DO NOT comment on their page as it creates a lot of clutter. & then comment to this post with your name & email addy telling me you've done so.

8) Visit Mother-ease Cloth Diapers' Info Page & tell me one thing that you learned. & then comment to this post with your name & email addy telling me you've done so.

*NOTE* You must supply your name & email address in each comment, & you must comment for each step to be entered. I have no way of notifying you if you win otherwise. This giveaway ends on July 13, 2011 at 12:00 pm Central. You will be contacted by email telling you if you've won, & you will have 48 hrs from the time I send the winning notification via email to respond. If you don't respond within 48 hrs, I will select a new winner.

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