
Thursday, July 14, 2011

Boogie Wipes Review & Giveaway! Ends July 28!

Congrats to kygirl! selected you as my winner! Please respond to my email within 48 hrs to claim your prize.

Boogie Wipes has been kind enough to offer me the opportunity to review their wipes & do a giveaway! The giveaway is open to the US, Canada, & Australia! I have to say that I'm excited to do this review because it's such a unique product that every Mom can love & appreciate.

I learned about Boogie Wipes online a little over a month ago. It was great timing that this product review & giveaway came about when it did. My oldest daughter (who is 13) had a nasty cold that she caught from her best friend over Memorial Day weekend. It was stubborn, & just didn't want to go away. There was lots of coughing, but also a runny nose, stuffed nose, & very sore nose from constant blowing. We started out with ordinary Kleenex, moved on to Puffs Plus, & then our Boogie Wipes samples arrived in the mail! Whew; PERFECT timing! We were sent a package of 30 "Great Grape Scent", as well as a few each of "Fresh Scent", "Menthol", & "Unscented" to try out. Shortly after that, my baby caught the cold as well. There's nothing more miserable than a baby with a stuffy nose - except maybe a breastfeeding baby who can't breath.

For those of you who are as unfamiliar with Boogie Wipes as I was, let me tell you a little bit about it. They were created by 2 friends, who were also Moms. Julie Pickens & Mindee Doney were tired of their kid's sore, red, runny noses,  & after talking to other Moms they decided to do something about it. They invented the very first wipe that is intended to be used for the nose. They're made with gentle saline, & come in Grape, Fresh Scent, Menthol, or unscented. They dissolve mucous, & provide a soothing alternative to a dry tissue.

I handed the variety sample packets to my oldest daughter & told her to enjoy. :o) She said that they felt very good on her sore nose, & worked very well at removing "the crusties". Her favorite was the menthol scent while she was sick, because she said it helped her to breath somewhat. However, once her nose was unstuffed she reported that she liked the smell of the fresh scent & grape also. No sooner was my oldest daughter better, when my youngest started to get sick...

My baby has allergies & eczema. I have to be very careful about what I expose her to because she breaks out in a rash. I was a little concerned about using the Boogie Wipes on my baby's eczema prone skin, but all was fine. That surprised me since her eczema flares up with the use of products aimed at babies, such as Johnson's Baby Wash & shampoo. I was suctioning her nose out regularly to help her breath, but the constant running had little boogie crusties all around her nose. The wipes definitely helped remove them easily & gently, & they smelled nice too. In fact, I'm ashamed to admit that the grape scent actually smelled so good that I was tempted to taste it (I said tempted!).

Please check out the Save The Sleeve campaign! It's a fun & interactive way to teach kids not to wipe their noses on their sleeves (YEUCK!).

Are you a teacher or do you know one? I was a substitute teacher before I had my baby, so the Does Your Class Boogie? teacher's kit caught my eye. It's a great aid for teachers who are trying to teach their students about the spread of germs. It contains a poster with pledge guidelines, 50 boogie wipe samples, coupons, & 2 classroom canisters of Boogie Wipes.

Normally my reviews contain pros & cons, but I honestly can't say one bad thing about this product. In fact, it will be a part of my home's cold & flu stash for all (including adults) to use. I will also include this in my 13 year old's school supplies rather than the plain wipes I normally send her to school with. I recommend this product for anyone of any age!

The Giveaway

Boogie Wipes is kindly sponsoring this giveaway for 2 packs of a 30 count of fresh, grape, menthol, or unscented wipes - the combination will vary. The giveaway is open to the US, Canada, & Australia! The giveaway ends at 12 noon CT on July 28, 2011. I'm using's List Randomizer to select my winner after checking that all tasks have been completed. The winner will have 2 days to respond to my email notifying them that they've won. If they don't respond within 2 days, a new winner will be selected.

You MUST complete the 1st task to be entered, but if you'd like to be entered 7 more times please complete the other tasks as well for a total of 8 entries. Please be fair & only enter with one email address. I will check all comments personally to make sure that you've completed the tasks, & those that haven't will be deleted & disqualified. No multiple entries please.

1) Follow me publicly with Google Friend Connect, & comment to this post with your name & email addy telling me you've done so. If you were following me publicly before, that counts. Please let me know.

2) Subscribe to my blog via email, & comment to this post with your name & email addy telling me you've done so. If you were subscribed before, that counts. Please let me know.

3) Vote for my blog on "We're On The Fence" by clicking on the button to the right, & then comment to this post with your name & email addy telling me you've done so.

4) Follow me on Twitter (@heartnbutterfly), & comment with your Twitter ID, as well as name, & email addy.

5) Tweet about this giveaway, & comment with a link to your Tweet, as well as your name, & email addy.

6) Follow Boogie Wipes on Facebook & then comment to this post with your name & email addy telling me you've done so.

7) Follow The Boogie Wipe Moms on Twitter & then comment to this post with your name & email addy telling me you've done so.

8) Join The Boogie Bunch for coupons, updates, & to get free samples! Comment to this post with your name & email addy telling me you've done so.

*NOTE* You must supply your name & email address in each comment, & you must comment for each step to be entered. I have no way of notifying you if you win otherwise. This giveaway ends on July 28, 2011 at 12:00 pm Central. You will be contacted by email telling you if you've won, & you will have 48 hrs from the time I send the winning notification via email to respond. If you don't respond within 48 hrs, I will select a new winner.

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