
Saturday, June 4, 2011

Would you like me to review your products?

Please don't be shy about contacting me. :o)

I am always happy to review a product for you. I understand that my views are personal, & do not necessarily reflect everyone else's experience. I do show the pros & cons, & tend to focus on the positive because I'm not out to hurt anyone's business. For instance, there is no one cloth diapering system that is just right for every single baby. All babies are built differently & wet to different degrees.

When there is a link available for an online business, I will provide your links and buying information for my readers throughout my review. If you would like me to review a product you have personally created, please be open to constructive criticism. I don't wish to hurt anyone's feelings, but only wish to make you a better business.

Readers are more likely to purchase from you when giveaways are offered with a review. Would you be willing to offer one? Also, when they know something about you it helps to build their trust. Please provide me with some personal information about you and possibly your family to add to the post.

Leave me a comment here and I will contact you via email about sending a product sample.
Tracy Rice

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