
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Win a BEAUTIFUL Christmas TuTu for your little Christmas Angel

 One lucky winner will win the beautiful Christmas tutu pictured above, in a size 3- 9 months, made by Precious Pitter Patter! Giveaway open to residents of the US who are 18 or older. Giveaway ends at midnight Nov 23!

About Precious Pitter Patter

I'm a huge Facebook fan & I was very happy to find out about Precious Pitter Patter on Facebook. Precious Pitter Patter is a home based business run by Amy Grey. She makes the most beautiful tutu's you'll ever see! Amy started making tutus when she saw a picture on the Internet and decided to make one as a gift for a gift exchange she was in.  It just sort of snowballed after that.  People saw the pictures and wanted one, and one of Amy's friends convinced her to make a Facebook page to start making them for everyone that wanted one!  She taught herself how to make all the great things she makes - such as crocheted hats & headbands adorned with flowers, onesies with your baby's age, wreaths, party decorations, & more! She seems to love a challenge, & will try to make dreams come true with her beautiful creations.

My experience with Precious Pitter Patter

I found Amy through a fan page on Facebook called Katie's Fighters. Katie is a sweet little angel born with anencephaly. Katie is truly one of God's miracles. She defied the odds & her Dr's expectations & has survived to three months & is still going strong! Katie's Mom wanted to help other families with babies who have anencephaly, so Katie's Facebook page held a fundraising auction. I bid on & won a sweet little pink crocheted hat with a big daisy on it that was made by Precious Pitter Patter. The sweet little hat arrived very quickly - within days of winning it. (By the way, Katie's Fighters is currently holding another auction. Please check it out!)

Wearing the sweet little crocheted hat

It was so cute on her that I quickly decided that I wanted a tutu to match it for Halloween. As you've probably guessed by the theme of my blog, I LOVE fairies! In fact, my daughter's nursery is decorated in a fairy theme. Therefore, it seemed only natural that I'd dress her as a fairy for her very first Halloween. However, I couldn't make up my mind on the type of tutu to choose - 2 toned petti tutu (the kind with little knots at the ends) or a basic 2 toned tutu with daisies all over it to match her hat. I agonized over my choices & emailed poor Amy over & over again asking a million questions. Amy was ever so patient with me, & offered useful advice on possible color combinations. She told me what she thought would look best & what she wouldn't advise - much appreciated advice since I was having difficulty visualising the end result. 

She outgrew her hat before I decided on what I wanted the tutu to look like, so I asked Amy to make her a headband as well. I stalked Amy's Facebook page while she was making them, & was delighted to see these pictures posted! I got a little preview before they arrived! :o)

 Stunningly beautiful 2 toned pink & ivory tutu with daisies, & a pink crocheted headband with large daisy that has a rhinestone center.

Amy was about to go on a trip to visit family, so I wasn't expecting the tutu right away. However, it was made & put in the mail within a week & a half of me ordering it! When I opened the box up I was very impressed with how she had it packed. Tulle will wrinkle, but it was packed so carefully that could never happen in transit. The waistband was down, with the skirt of the tutu up.

The wonderful packing job

I couldn't wait to play dress up with my baby! I looked for a pair of small wings, & sat her in our front yard to take a few pics.

 My beautiful little fairy

I can't say enough good things about Precious Pitter Patter! Please check her out. She's incredibly creative & does absolutely beautiful work - as you can see. You won't regret giving her your business.

*NOTE* Attention Moms of girls; you might want to enter to win a sweet pink flower headband for your baby. It's super cute! The headband giveaway ends Dec 4. 

The Giveaway:

This giveaway is open to residents of the US who are 18 & older. It ends on November 23, so you'll have this in plenty of time for Christmas! This would make a wonderful gift! Please keep your eyes open for my email notifying you that you've won. You'll have 48 hrs to respond to claim your prize or else I'll have to select a new winner.

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