
Friday, March 30, 2012

FREE 5x7" Picture with the Easter Bunny at Walmart!!!

This Saturday & Sunday at any Walmart with a one hour photo center you can get your child's picture taken with the Easter Bunny from 10 am - 2 pm. Click here for more details.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

I'm back!

I'm so sorry for the lengthy absence. We've had a lot of family drama lately. About a month & a half ago my 14 year old daughter came down with a nasty cough & other symptoms that were very flu-like. I brought her to the pediatrician & they tested her for the flu, but it was negative. I was told that it was a virus. I was holding my not quite one year old daughter in my lap at the time of the Dr visit.

About 2 weeks later my baby became sick. I spoke to the nurse on the phone, who said that the symptoms sounded like RSV & suggested that I bring her in to be seen. I quickly rushed her to her pediatrician & low & behold she had a nasty case of RSV. They taught me how to do breathing treatments & sent me home with a nebulizer. Let me just say that I love my baby's pediatrician, but can't really say the same for my oldest daughter's Dr. My baby's pediatrician felt that they should've tested her for RSV since they knew a baby was in the house & RSV was going around at the time. Oh well... It didn't really matter anyway because it went through the house knocking us all down one by one.

My baby stopped eating solids during the 2 weeks she was sick. Thankfully I'm still nursing her because that's ALL that she wanted to do! I believe that she lost about 2 lbs as a result of being so sick. It was a scary & heart breaking 2 weeks, but she recovered just in time for her 1st birthday, which fell on Mardi Gras day!

We celebrated by going to a parade together & counting down to her actual time of birth. When we hit the time of her birth I sung Happy Birthday to her through teary eyes & gave her a huge hug & kiss.

Happy & awake for a bit.

                                       This is how she spent most of the parade - sleeping.

Me singing Happy Birthday to my little miracle baby.

     Trying to get the attention of the people on the floats - it worked. They bombed us!!!

Her 1st taste of cake - a King Cake! She won't pick things up & put them in her mouth yet, so we still have to feed her.

We had a small party (mostly family) for her the following weekend. I baked cupcakes & stuck with the Mardi Gras theme since her birthday will only fall on Mardi Gras day a handful of times in her lifetime.

The cupcakes I baked.

Patricia's special cupcake.

The birthday girl at her party.

Anyway, we're back. :o) I hope you're all doing well. I'll be posting a review of Niapads shortly.