
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Mother-ease All In One Diaper Review & Giveaway! Ends July 13

And the winner is Gianna! Congratulations! Please look for my email & respond within 48 hrs.
Hi everybody. I know it's been a long absence & I apologize, but during the time that I've been away I've been testing out a couple of wonderful products for reviews/giveaways.

Mother-ease Cloth Diapers has been extremely generous, & has agreed to supply both myself & one lucky reader with a size Small All In One Diaper & a small cotton terry Sandy's Absorbent Liner. The size small Fitted All In One by Mother-ease will fit babies from 10-20 lbs, so there's plenty of room to grow into these! The diapers sell for $15.95 & the small cotton terry Sandy's Liner sells for $2.00 on their website. Therefore, you'll be receiving a gift valued at $17.95. I'll give you the details of the giveaway at the end of the review, along with the requirements by both Mother-ease & myself for entry. Please make sure that you follow the directions carefully. The giveaway ends at 12 noon CT on July 13, 2011.

For those of you unfamiliar with Mother-ease Cloth Diapers, they are a cloth diapering system that offers many different diapering options. Mother-ease was developed by a Canadian Mom named Erika Froese when she became unhappy with traditional flats & rubber diaper covers. Erika created her first cloth diaper in 1991 for her fourth son Sandy. She began with the All In One, moved on to the Sandy's for heavy wetters, & then the One Size diaper. They've just added 3 more cloth diapers to the line recently! Mother-eas Cloth Diapers now offers the Wizard UNO All In One, the Wizard DUO All In Two, & the EasyStuff One Size Pocket. The business is family run by Erika & her husband Rick.

My Review:

I've been testing my small All In One diaper & a small Sandy's Liner for about the past 2 weeks, & I LOVE it! Both the diaper & liner are super easy to use & care for. There are so many wonderful things to say about this diaper that I don't know where to start. I guess I'll start by showing you what I received in the mail first. :o)

The Mother-ease All In One Sz small diaper & Sandy's Liner, as well as an information flyer about general care.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the Mother-ease All In One system, it's a breathable diaper that combines the outer waterproof cover with the inner absorbent cotton diaper. It has side snaps that allow for ventilation like no other diaper on the market! The plastic snaps on the side allow you to customize the fit & makes diapering easy.  They are available in 3 different sizes - Small (10-20 lbs), Large (20-35 lbs), & XLg (35-45 lbs).

I washed my Mother-ease All In One & Sandy's Liner 3 times instead of the recommended 6 before testing them the very first time. They were tested during regular daytime use the 1st time. I simply laid the Sandy's liner inside of the diaper, & it didn't add to the bulk at all. They worked perfectly! They were nice & soft, & got baby Patty Cake's smile of approval. The All In One didn't leak, & I loved the fact that I didn't have to fiddle with a diaper cover. I think one of my favorite things about this diaper is that unlike other fitted diapers, you don't have to move up to the next size so quickly! My daughter is admittedly petite for a 4 month old at 11 lbs. However, with some of the other fitted diapers I've researched it appears that I would need to purchase a new diaper roughly every 3 months with her 1/2 oz per day weight gain. I imagine Moms with larger babies are having to move to the next size every couple of months. I appreciate the fact that the size small diapers will last Patty Cakes until she's roughly 8 or 9 months old!!!

The second time I tested the All In Ones with the Sandy Liner was for nighttime use. My little one sleeps about 6 1/2 hrs during the first stretch, wakes to nurse, & then goes back to sleep. She doesn't enjoy being wet & will complain loudly. I was expecting to be woken up before her usual 5 am feeding time. However, not only did she sleep all the way through until her usual 5 am feeding time, but went back to sleep afterwards & didn't need to be changed until around 8:30 am! That means that she wore the same cloth diaper for 10 hrs straight WITHOUT A LEAK! To say that I was impressed is an understatement!

I've used the All In One & Sandy Liner several times since. Now I tend to use the All In One by itself during the day & use it with the Sandy's Absorbent Liner at night only.

This is an attempt to show both the waterproof cover & absorbent cotton inner.

This is the All In One unsnapped, exposing the inner diaper.

This is what the All In One & Sandy's liner looked like after being washed.

This is my sweet little Patty Cakes modeling her All In One diaper happily.


1) Very soft & absorbent.
2) They fit well, & I love the side snapping air flow vents.
3) They are 100% leak free!
4) Generous sizing for a fitted diaper.
5) Of course, because it's an All In One there's no need for an extra diaper cover.
6) Affordable!


Really there are no cons. If I have to pick one, I'd say that it's the fact that you do eventually have to move up to the next size. However, as stated earlier these dipes

The Giveaway

Now for the part that you've been waiting for! Mother-ease Cloth Diapers is kindly sponsoring this giveaway for a sz small All In One & Sandy's cotton terry liner. The giveaway ends at 12 noon CT on July 13, 2011. I'm using's List Randomizer to select my winner after checking that all tasks have been completed. The winner will have 2 days to respond to my email notifying them that they've won. If they don't respond within 2 days, a new winner will be selected.

You have the opportunity to be entered a total of 8 times if you follow the directions below. You MUST complete the 1st task  to be entered, but if you'd like to be entered 7 more times please complete the other tasks as well for a total of 8 entries. Please be fair & only enter with one email address. I will check all comments personally to make sure that you've completed the tasks, & those that haven't will be deleted & disqualified. No multiple entries please.

1) Follow me publicly with Google Friend Connect, & comment to this post with your name & email addy telling me you've done so.

2) Subscribe to my blog via email, & comment to this post with your name & email addy telling me you've done so.

3) Vote for my blog on "We're On The Fence" by clicking on the button to the right, & then comment to this post with your name & email addy telling me you've done so.

4) Tell me why you would like to win this product, & comment to this post with your name & email addy telling me you've done so.

5) Follow Mother-ease Cloth Diapers on Twitter. & then comment to this post with your name & email addy telling me you've done so.

6) Sign up for Mother-ease Cloth Diaper's Forum. & then comment to this post with your name & email addy telling me you've done so.

7) Become a fan of Mother-ease Cloth Diapers' Facebook Page. However, Mother-ease has asked me to request that you DO NOT comment on their page as it creates a lot of clutter. & then comment to this post with your name & email addy telling me you've done so.

8) Visit Mother-ease Cloth Diapers' Info Page & tell me one thing that you learned. & then comment to this post with your name & email addy telling me you've done so.

*NOTE* You must supply your name & email address in each comment, & you must comment for each step to be entered. I have no way of notifying you if you win otherwise. This giveaway ends on July 13, 2011 at 12:00 pm Central. You will be contacted by email telling you if you've won, & you will have 48 hrs from the time I send the winning notification via email to respond. If you don't respond within 48 hrs, I will select a new winner.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Win a pair of baby/toddler shoes!

Don't forget to enter for a chance to win The Body Shop's body butter!

Awesome giveaway at The Crafty Nest! Win a pair of sweet shoes for your baby/toddler. Super soft, cute, & recyclable!
Again, enter my Body Shop body butter giveaway. Time is running out & so far only one person has entered.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

How To Decipher The Meanings of Cloth Diapering Terms

Don't forget to enter my body butter giveaway from The Body Shop!

Ok; so as you know I'm trying to learn all about the new generation of cloth diapers. LOTS has changed since my oldest girl was in cloth dipes 10 years ago! As promised, I'm taking you along on my journey. I thought I'd spend some time trying to explain everything as I learn it myself. Here are common abbreviations & terms.

Cloth Diaper(ing) (CD)

Can be used as a noun or verb.

All In One Diaper (AIO)

All in one diapers are exactly as they sound. Rather than having to use a separate diaper cover & diaper, it's all in one! :o) They have an inner absorbent layer attached to an outer waterproof layer with adjustable snap or hook & loop closures. Out of all of the cloth dipes, they are most like disposable diapers. They are the most convenient, but also among the most expensive (but not really when you consider you don't have to buy 2 separate things!). They're easy to use & very Dad & babysitter friendly. They can take longer to dry depending on the type of AIO you buy. More on that later....

All In Twos (AI2)

Also known as Hybrid Diapers. Some people like the idea of an AIO but don't like the the longer drying and cleaning times they may encounter. An AI2 is like an AIO that lets you remove the inner soaker material in some way. Sometimes the soaker snaps to the cover, sometimes it's sewn as a flap that will free float in the wash & allow for faster drying time, & sometimes you're using inserts or pockets. This makes cleaning and drying much faster. This is definitely an expensive route to go, but some swear by it!

Fitted Diapers

I used fitted diapers with my oldest & they're still available. You can get fitted diapers by themselves, which require a diaper cover. You can also get fitted AIO's. Fitted Diapers are sized to fit babies within a certain size range, & have adjustable snaps or hook & loop closures to adjust the size better. They fit baby closely without a lot of extra bulk. The disadvantage of them is that you have to move up to the next size when baby outgrows the current size. It seems less expensive if you're getting just the diaper, but remember that you'll still need a diaper cover - unless you get an AIO.  Some people argue that these are more absorbent, but I'm not convinced.

Contour Diapers

They're designed with an hourglass shape, so that there's no folding required, as with prefolds or flats. Contours sometimes come with gathers at the legs or waist for a better fit, but this isn't common. They're secured with diaper pins or Snappi Cloth Diaper Fasteners. They can also be placed inside of diaper cover wrap without pins or Snappis, allowing the wrap to hold them in place.

Prefolds/ Flats

These are the traditional cloth diapers that most people are familiar with. They're rectangular shaped cloth diapers. They come in a variety of sizes and thicknesses. Prefolds need to be folded, & you must use diaper pins or a Snappi, as well as a diaper cover. You can also use them with wrap style diaper covers without pins or Snappis. They're inexpensive, & dry the fastest, but most people find the prospect of folding diapers intimidating. You don't need to buy different sizes because a simple adjustment in folding will carry your baby all the way through to potty training. You can also use them as diaper doublers or inserts for pocket diapers! I like to use them as burp cloths as well. When you're done with diapering, you can use them as dust rags. :o)

Pocket Diapers

These are really just a variation on AIO's or AI2's. I've heard them referred to either way. The cover/inside lining of the diaper has an opening or "pocket" where you stuff the absorbent material. This cuts down on washing/drying time tremendously! Some ladies use the diaper a few times before washing it, but re-stuffing it with clean inserts.

One Size (OS) Diapers

These are typically made in AIO's or AI2's. They have a series of snaps that allow you to adjust the size on your baby. They're expensive at the start, but pay for themselves in the long run because you'll theoretically never need another diaper. They should carry you all the way from newborn to potty training! The down side of these is that when they're snapped to there smallest size they're incredibly bulky & look like they're swallowing your baby up. However, most Moms seem to prefer them because they're the only investment they'll need to make in diapers.

Click here to enter my body butter giveaway from The Body Shop!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Body Shop Body Butter Giveaway! Ends 06-29-11, 10:00 am Central

CONGRATS to Sam Wheeler, who just won the body butter! I'll be in touch with you shortly to get your information. Thank you to everyone who entered!

I currently hold in my hot little hand (literally because we're averaging temps in the upper 90's currently!) a container of  The Body Shop's Moringa Body Butter. I've been trying it out & also have one to giveaway to a lucky reader as well.

I have a 50 ml container, & I'm happy to tell you all about it! I have eczema on my hands, & it stubbornly refuses any treatment! I've been using this for a little less than a week, & while my eczema remains, I do have to say that there's a dramatic improvement. Not only does it look better, but it feels MUCH better too. The itching & cracking/bleeding skin has all but disappeared. This is a condition that I live with on my fingers from the Spring through part of the Summer, & I'm not kidding when I say that it's torture. My fingers either itch like crazy or hurt constantly. Just look at these before & after pics for proof! I can only imagine the improvement I would see if I used this for a month solid.



Update: I continued to use it for the rest of the month & my eczema is almost gone! It's completely gone on the 1/2 of my finger that is closest to my hand, & almost gone on the fingertip.

The Body Shop states that it lasts up to 24 hrs, & I have to admit that it was awfully long lasting. I wash my hands frequently with a small baby, cooking, testing out cloth diapers, etc. It definitely made my skin softer & lasted. With other lotions & potions, I find myself slathering it on several times a day. I applied the Body Butter to both of my hands once a day, but topped up the eczema areas a couple of extra times a day with small dabs. I think for "normal" skin it might very well last 24 hrs. The Body Shop states that this particular Body Butter is best for normal to dry skin, & that definitely describes me!

How it works:
  • Moringa seed oil with natural oleic acid moisturizes and protects skin.
  • Community Trade shea butter moisturizes and softens skin.
  • Community Trade cocoa butter is an excellent moisturizer that melts at body temperature.


1) Super soft skin

2) Requires just a dab to get the job done

3) Smells very feminine & flowery

4) Compact size makes it easy to carry in your purse, or in my case a diaper bag

5) Long lasting


 1) Some might say that this is an overly floral scent - perhaps even overpowering. I didn't find that to be a problem since I was just dabbing it on.

That's it! I honestly can't think of one bad thing to say about this product. I'm hooked & hope that you will be too. I look forward to trying out other scents.

Now for the part that you've been waiting for! If you're interested in participating in my giveaway, please do the following:

1) Subscribe to my blog via email, & comment to this post with your name & email addy telling me you've done so.

2) Follow me publicly with Google Friend Connect, & comment to this post with your name & email addy telling me you've done so.

3) Vote for my blog on "We're On The Fence" by clicking on the button to the right, & then comment to this post with your name & email addy telling me you've done so.

4) Tell me why you would like to win this product, & comment to this post with your name & email addy telling me you've done so.

*NOTE* You must supply your name & email address in each comment, & you must comment for each step to be entered. I have no way of notifying you if you win otherwise. This giveaway ends on June 29, 2011 at 10:00 am Central. You will be contacted by email telling you if you've won, & you will have 48 hrs from the time I send the winning notification via email to respond. If you don't respond within 48 hrs, I will select a new winner.

AIO One Size Pocket Diaper by Mommy Loves Me Baby and Doggie Stuff

A few weeks ago I did a search for WAHM's who are currently making & selling their own diapers. I came across a few that I wanted to try. The very first seller was on eBay. Please meet Rita! She has her own store, & you can visit it here. Technically, I guess you can't call eBay seller john19322000 a WAHM since she's awaiting the arrival of her first grand baby by her 28 year old daughter. :o) Rita's supplementing her income by making diapers not just for babies, but for dogs too, which allows her to stay home with her pets. Rita got involved with cloth diaper making when she learned that their daughter was expecting. All I can say is WHAT A LUCKY LADY!

Microfiber with front snaps on the right (Cheetah) & cotton with side snaps on the left (Pink Frogs). Both are set at the smallest waist size & rise.

Largest waist size & rise.

Both diapers opened, exposing the insert/soaker & the pocket with the stuffing.

Mommy Loves Me makes custom diapers & diaper covers. I've only tested the diapers so far, so that's what this review will focus on. I had my choice of cotton, microfiber, or my own unique combination of both. As you know from reading my previous posts, I'm new to the current diapering systems & fabrics, so the only thing I'd had experience with was cotton. I wanted to try Mommy Loves Me's cotton diapers, but I was also eager to try microfiber! Therefore, I ordered one of each in an AIO OS (All in One One Size) that came with a pocket stuffer, as well as an insert/soaker.

There are several things that set this diaper apart from the crowd!

1) This diaper is unique because you select your own print for the cover! A PUL layer (polyurethane laminate) is used to provide a leak free barrier. The PUL is sandwiched between the print of your choice & the actual diaper. The outer fabric can be flannel or your choice of cotton or polyester/cotton fabric, which makes for a super cute diaper! 

2) You totally customize this diaper to your own individual preferences. You have your choice of front or side closures, snaps or hook & loop closures, cotton or microfiber, any combination of cotton & microfiber, pocket or non pocket (unless you order a one size. ALL one sizes are pockets.), a PUL layer can be put on one side of the inserts if you'd like, or a snap can be placed on the inserts and the diaper cover to make an All-In-2, & the diapers can be fitted or one size. The choices are endless!

Because I purchased an AIO one size, I'll be focusing on that. I bought one cotton AIO OS, & one microfiber AIO OS diaper. One had a front closure & one had a side closure. I wanted to see if I had a preference for either one. I have to say that I definitely did prefer the front closure. Somehow it just seemed easier & less clumsy than the side closures, but that's just me. :o) I've read & been told that microfiber absorbs better/faster, so I couldn't wait to try them out & see for myself!

Now, one thing that I have to say up front is that I didn't use this pocket diaper in the same way that most seem to. I've read about ladies re-stuffing the pocket, reusing the diaper multiple times, & then washing it. I only used it once because I didn't like the thought of the wet inner fabric that makes up the pocket & holds the stuffing touching my baby's delicate booty. I did pre-wash the diapers, but I only washed them 3 times each before use. Most people advise pre-washing at least 6 times. Guess what?!? These diapers were AMAZINGLY absorbent!!!! 3 times was more than enough! In fact, these diapers were just as absorbent as any disposable diaper I've ever tried with either of my girls, & remember that goes back 13 years! These cloth dipes are the ultimate if you're looking for superb night dipes! In fact, I will be soon be buying enough to get me through a week or two of night use.

You may be wondering which one I preferred of the 2 fibers? LOL. I'm still trying to decide that myself! I think the microfiber diaper did have a slight edge on the cotton diaper as far as absorbency goes, but the cotton diaper was deliciously soft & still incredibly absorbent! The advantage to that is that perhaps you don't need as many layers with the microfiber as with the cotton (my own opinion here). I also would completely skip using the insert/doubler for daytime use. It adds to the bulk of the diaper, & the added absorbency isn't as needed during the day when you're able to do more frequent diaper changes.

So, now I'll get to the pros and cons.



2) Love the ability to design my own dipe completely!

3) Super absorbent!

4) Affordable!


1) It is bulky - especially in between the legs. I found that it held my daughter's legs apart, & gave her a cute Sumo wrestler appearance. :o) This is a common feature in many diapers & not unusual to this design alone. Also, when snapped down to it's smallest size all OS diapers tend to be bulky. It's the nature of the beast.

2) All of the options can be a little overwhelming & even intimidating for a newbie, but this con is also a pro because it's fun to experiment!

Hmmm.... See a trend here? The pros most definitely outweigh the cons!

Below is more specific information about the design options with the AIO.

Here is a pic of my baby enjoying her microfiber dipe. She literally broke into smiles & giggles when I put it on her.

Details about AIO's:

Keep in mind that you CAN combine cotton & microfiber in your own preferred way.

The OUTER COVER is made with flannel or cotton/polyester fabric on the outside, PUL layer, (or just the PUL if you want a white AIO) and cotton or microfiber diaper as described below, or your own combination.  You can order pocket AIOs (which wash and dry faster) or non-pocket AIOs (only in the fitted diapers!)  All one size (OS) AIO diapers are pocket diapers and come with a pocket stuffer which is 2 layers of microfiber terrycloth with Zorb in between. 

The COTTON DIAPER is made with the following layers: 2 flannel, 2 terrycloth, and 2 flannel layers.  

The MICROFIBER DIAPER is made with the following layers from outside to inside: 

1. your choice of fleece, suedecloth, flannel, or polyester/cotton fabric
2. polyester fleece
3. Zorb
4. fleece
5. suedecloth on the inside. (At this time only white suedecloth is available, so there are more color options for the inside lining with the cotton diapers.)

You can choose either hook and loop (which all have laundry tabs) or snap closures. They can also be made to close at the front or sides. Each cloth diaper includes an insert of the same type cotton or microfiber) unless you specify otherwise.

Sizing Details:

Newborn        Rise 14"       Waist 9-16"

Small              Rise 16"       Waist 10-17"

Medium          Rise 17"       Waist 11-19"

Large              Rise 18"       Waist 12-21"

One-Size        Rise 14-18"   Waist 10-21"

Details about inserts:

The COTTON INSERTS have 1 layer of flannel, 2 layers of cotton terrycloth, and 1 more layer of flannel.  The MICROFIBER INSERTS are made with fleece, Zorb, and a second layer of fleece.

Size of inserts:

Large inserts are 16"X8" and fit into Medium, Large, and One-Size diapers

Small inserts are 12"X6" and fit into Newborn and Small diapers.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Would you like me to review your products?

Please don't be shy about contacting me. :o)

I am always happy to review a product for you. I understand that my views are personal, & do not necessarily reflect everyone else's experience. I do show the pros & cons, & tend to focus on the positive because I'm not out to hurt anyone's business. For instance, there is no one cloth diapering system that is just right for every single baby. All babies are built differently & wet to different degrees.

When there is a link available for an online business, I will provide your links and buying information for my readers throughout my review. If you would like me to review a product you have personally created, please be open to constructive criticism. I don't wish to hurt anyone's feelings, but only wish to make you a better business.

Readers are more likely to purchase from you when giveaways are offered with a review. Would you be willing to offer one? Also, when they know something about you it helps to build their trust. Please provide me with some personal information about you and possibly your family to add to the post.

Leave me a comment here and I will contact you via email about sending a product sample.
Tracy Rice

Friday, June 3, 2011

Motherease Revisited

I'm giving serious consideration to getting more of the one diapering system I know best - Motherease. Because I love it so much, & have a couple of days worth of supply already, I thought I'd start off my reviews with them. There are pros & cons to everything, & I'm an honest person, & this review will reflect that.

After going through my current diaper inventory I discovered that I only have one AirFlow Cover from Motherease that will fit my baby currently. I have a handful of unbleached, cotton terry, One Size Diapers, but all of my Sandy's are too big. Therefore, I'm reviewing the One Size cotton terry diaper & theAirFlow snap cover only for now. Yesterday was my first day trying to use them with Patricia to see how they stand up 10 years later. I'm pleased with the fact that my One Size Diapers & AirFlow cover has stood the test of time! They are just as soft & secure as they were 10-13 years ago! However, I still feel the same way now that I did then. I can't help wishing that they were more absorbent. I do have the snap in liners, but although they add a touch more absorbency, they also add a tiny bit to the bulk of the diaper, since the diaper has to be folded down to fit her. Also, you can't snap it in when set to the smallest size. My other problem is that even on the smallest setting the AirFlow cover's legs are too big for my petite Patty Cakes. The front of the AirFlow's leg opening exposes the very bottom of the front leg opening of the one size.

I understand that Motherease now has many more options available - bamboo, stay dry, the Duo, & the Uno. Until I can get my hands on them & try them out, I obviously don't have an opinion. :o) The Sandy will have to wait until she's big enough to fit it or I can get my hands on one in her size.


1. My very first good thing to say about these diapers is that they are so dang CUTE! Just look at     Patty Cakes in her vintage dipes! LOL

                These are obviously old, as they don't make the pawprint
                                                 cover anymore.

                My daughter wearing the One Size on it's smallest setting.

2. How SOFT they are! Even after being used for 3 years with my oldest & being stored in my hot & humid garage for 10 years, they are just as soft as ever. Patty Cakes smiles at me every time I put one on her. That's something that she's NEVER done with her disposables!!!!

3. There aren't a lot of complicated snaps all over the place like some of the other diapers I'll be trying out. There are snaps, but they're minimal. The side snapping AirFlow cover is great because just like the name implies, it allows air to flow to the diaper, which decreases the risk of diaper rash. You would think that it would make the cover prone to leaking, but due to it's design there's no leakage at all! My only concern in that department is around Patricia's thighs, due to her small build.

Below is a picture of the one size dipe, showing it open & folded down to fit a smaller baby, snapped to it's mid size, & snapped to it's largest size, but you can alter the size anywhere in between.

Here is a pic of how the liner snaps in.

4. The snap in liner is thin, so doesn't add to the bulk.


There aren't many cons.

1. I wish the diaper was more absorbent, but I suspect that some of the other fabrics now used at Motherease are. I can't wait to get my hands on them! Honestly, it isn't a huge concern for me anyway. I change my baby often - even with disposables. I just don't believe in leaving a baby in an obviously wet diaper. That's actually a pet peeve of mine - seeing babies with soggy diapers hanging down to their knees!

2. I wish the snap in liner were more absorbent. I also wish that it snapped in on the smallest size setting. I know that I listed the liner under pros as well. What can I say? It's a love/hate relationship. I do love that it's thin, & while it's enough extra absorbency for daytime use, it's not adequate for bedtime use. Maybe Motherease has solved this problem with their stay dry liner?

Thursday, June 2, 2011

My return to cloth diapers

13 years ago I gave birth to my first child, a beautiful daughter. A few months into using disposable diapers, & I realised that I wasn't happy with the system. Yes; it was easy, fast, & absorbent. However, it was very expensive, & we went through so many of them each day that I couldn't help but wonder what this was doing to our landfills. I was only one Mom with one baby, & when I thought of all of the other Moms in the world using disposables I became concerned. I don't know about you, but often I don't think about the big picture until it slaps me upside the head. Of course, cost was a huge factor as well! I can't remember how much an average package of disposable diapers cost back then, but I seem to remember that I figured out it would save me around $3000! Actually, I believe I saved more than that because she didn't potty train until she was 3 years old. After doing a little research I was stunned to read about the possible health risks associated with disposables. I won't get too preachy here, but I can't write about this without expressing my concerns. I'll just present what I know, & let you be the judge. :o) For me, it was a no brainer.

Disposables contain the following:
Cellulose Tissue (wood, since it's a paper product)
Sodium Polyacrylate (can cause severe allergic reactions & skin irritations)
Dioxin (is strongly linked to carcinogenic chemicals & is high up on the toxic list)
Tributyl-tin also known as TBT (causes hormonal problems)
And some diapers contain Polypropylene Plastic

13 years ago the world of cloth diapering was VERY different! I started out with flats, velcro diaper covers, & pull up covers. I wasn't happy with that system, so did a little research & found a company called Motherease. I used the One Size Diapers with the side snapping AirFlow Covers during the day, & had a few Sandy's. I liked the fit & the feel, but had a heavy wetter, so continued on my quest for the perfect diaper. I soon discovered how addictive cloth diapering can be! I became a fan of the WAHM's that were around at the time. My fave was "Jenny Oh!", though I did have others also. For those who don't cloth diaper, a WAHM is a work at home Mom. I alternated between my Jenny Oh! and Motherease dipes, & added soakers as she grew. I did still occasionally use disposables - I won't lie about that. They came in handy for travelling, visiting with out of town family, babysitters, etc.

3 months ago I gave birth to my second baby girl. Yep; I have a 13 year old & a 3 month old. I often get asked if she was planned (I turned 44 last month), & the answer is YES! She was very much wanted, & we waited a very long time for her. She's our miracle baby. Although she's my 2nd child, she's my hubby's 1st. (My 1st daughter is from my 1st marriage.)

I've been wanting to get her into cloth diapers, but convincing my hubby took a little work. He's hooked on the ease & convenience of disposables. However, we're struggling financially just like so many other families right now. The fact that we're surviving on one income now really puts a strain on us, but is worth it for this breastfeeding Momma & baby. We did the Math & realized that all of my income plus some of his would go toward daycare, so it just wasn't feasible. Plus, since I work as a substitute teacher there wouldn't be enough opportunities to pump during the day (if any at all), so we'd be looking at using formula, which also adds to the expenses. Things have been slow at his work lately, & he's considering taking a second job temporarily to help ends meet. My Dad has offered to buy our baby diapers! I love my Dad! I brought my hubby with me to Babies R Us one day to show him the average cost of a box of diapers. The ones that we've been using are anywhere from $40 - $50 per box. We did some Math & figured that we'd be saving roughly $5000 if we use cloth until potty training. He's now on board!!!

I started by going through the boxes of my oldest daughter's baby things that I had stored in the garage. I found some of her old diapers, but at least half of them were damaged. I had to throw away a good chunk of them, & it broke my heart. I do still have some Motherease & Jenny Oh! dipes, but not enough, & all of them are too big for her at the moment. She's a petite 10 lbs at 3 months. That turned out to be a good thing. I started doing research online, & discovered that the world of cloth diapering has changed DRAMATICALLY since my oldest daughter potty trained 10 years ago!!! Now they have all of these confusing terms & totally different diapering systems that I'm trying to learn about. I've found several cloth diapering blogs that are endless sources of information. I also enjoy the giveaways! :o) I had the pleasure of winning a Blissful Booty Diaper on May 9, & just received it in the mail. I look forward to trying it out. I'm also researching current WAHM's on eBay & etsy. So far I've received a couple of diapers made of 2 different materials from kind lady on eBay, & am eagerly awaiting another from etsy. I want to try out several different types before I make my decision on which kind I want. I'll be making my big purchase in about a month.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Fun & Free Things to do in the Metro New Orleans Area This Summer!

This is my very first post on my brand new blog! I thought I'd kick it off by telling you about some fabulously free things to do with your family this Summer! Who doesn't love free? Free is especially nice in these hard economic times that we're in.

The New Orleans Film Society is giving us plenty of fun opportunities this Summer! Tonight they are showing Ferris Bueller's Day Off in a FREE outdoor screening!

I've read that drive-ins are returning to the area as well, but only now they're FREE thanks to NOLA Drine-In (a $4 donation is suggested), in cooperation with the Broad Community Connections nonprofit. They sell refreshments on sight, so no need to brng your own. As of now, they're only showing one movie every couple of weeks or so. The current location is on top of an old Schwegmann's store at 300 N. Broad Street in Mid-City.