
Monday, August 1, 2011

What's your favorite homemade ice cream recipe?

Don't forget to enter to win an itti bitti d'lish SIO diaper! The drawing will be 8-11-11, at 12 noon CST.

It's the end of Summer (sadly), & apparently July was National ice cream month. I just learned that last night on the news. I'm always late finding out things!

I'm not done with Summer yet. I have a list of things I want to do yet. My family has been waiting for the nasty thunderstorms to pass, so we can go camping! We also want to hit the beach with our 5 month old baby girl for her very first time. One of the other things I want to do is get out my ice cream machine & make some homemade ice cream! Nothing says Summer to me like homemade ice cream!

I have many memories of my Momma, who is with the angels now, & I miss her dearly. One of my favorite childhood memories is of helping her make ice cream. She made many flavors - fresh peach, chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, coffee, but my all time favorite was banana pecan! Unfortunately, she wasn't one for writing her recipes down. Oh, how I wish I knew her recipe! All I remember is that she used cans of evaporated milk, sugar, I think she used one can of condensed milk, mashed bananas, & crushed pecans. I don't remember if her recipe had eggs in it or not, but I do know that she didn't cook anything first.

Can anybody help me out here? I've scoured the Internet, but can't find anything that sounds like what she used to make.

Please share your favorite ice cream recipes with me too - even ones other than banana pecan! :o) I think it would be fun to share our favorite ice cream recipes. Thanks in advance!

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