
Sunday, September 18, 2011

New WAHM Diaper Review/Giveaway - Zippy Doo Diapers! Ends 10-2-11!

Congrats to What Mommy Wants! Please keep your eyes open for an email from me. You have 48 hrs to respond. I hope you enjoy it! Thanks everybody for entering. The good news is that I was just approved for a beta version of Rafflecopter, so giveaways will be simplified from now on.

I'm excited to introduce you to Zippy Doo Diapers! This is a new WAHM diaper created by a woman in my due date online group. She's allowed me the opportunity to review her one size fitted diaper & will also give one custom One Size Fitted diaper  to one of my lucky readers. The giveaway will end on Oct 2 at 12 Noon CST. This giveaway is open to all countries! Please enter for a chance to try out this cute & absorbent diaper- you won't regret it!

Warning - this review will be pic heavy! I don't think you can do an accurate diaper review without plenty of pictures.

About Zippy Doo Diapers:

Allow me to introduce Natalie Ramirez Weyermuller. She lives in CA & has used cloth diapers on her son ever since his birth. She says that the possibility of using disposables never really entered her mind. She decided to use cloth diapers soon after discovering she was pregnant with her son. She tried various types of diapers, but really liked fitted diapers the best. Natalie loves cute & pretty things, so having a diaper that's also fashionable really appealed to her. She started buying fitted diapers & realized that she could make them herself. Natalie has been sewing since she was a little girl. In fact, she started out her college career as a fashion design major. It was her major for 3 years until she decided that she didn't like the "cut throat nature of the field".

Over this Summer she was bit by the sewing bug, & decided to design diapers for her son. She wanted him to have cute diapers without spending tons of money. She never planned to sell them. She had a full time job as an elementary school librarian, but was lucky enough to start working part time. She posted pictures of her cute diapers on our due date group's page, & soon Moms were asking if she would make diapers for them! Everyone LOVED her one size fitted diapers, so she decided to start selling her Zippy Doo diapers. You can also visit Zippy Doo on Facebook.

Natalie knew she wanted a roomier diaper. She felt that since cotton shrinks so much it was important to have a diaper that would not get smaller and smaller over time. She also wanted a soaker that had more length too, so the absorbency could truly be customized. It took awhile to get the pattern just right.

There's a story behind the cute name & logo. Natalie's brother is an animator. He drew the logo for her. The inspiration behind it is her kitty, Zippy, who loves to sit behind the sewing machine while she sews. Putting the diaper on Zippy was her brother's idea. Zippy Doo Diapers is also a play on words. "It is easy and fast (zippy) to put on the diapers (to doo it)".

About The One Size Fitted Diaper:

The diapers are made out of the cutest prints you'll ever see! You can select from her prints or send in your own. Natalie uses the prints on the outside of the diaper, & on the inside facing baby's skin is a layer of super soft cotton velour. The snap in liners/soakers are made of bamboo fleece, but they also have velour facing baby's skin. The diaper has a fold down rise/front that snaps down for smaller babies, & adjustable snaps at both the waist & leg area. The snaps are color coordinated with the fabric print. Natalie calls her diaper a "fitted one size" & says she designed her diaper to fit a little bigger than most one size diapers, so it will seem a little bigger on smaller babies. It should fit babies up to about 35+ pounds. It comes with a little bonus - a diaper wipe made of velour & a coordinating print! It's not an all in one, so a diaper cover is needed.

Here is what I received in the mail:

And more detailed pics of the diaper:

On one of  it's smallest setting.

 Showing the two rows of color coordinated snaps.

Showing the soft inner velour.

 Showing the bamboo fleece liners that snap in.

Another view of how the liners snap in. Notice that the side that faces baby's skin is velour.

Here is my baby modelling her Zippy Doo diaper in the Mermaid print:

 I chose not to fold the front down, but I do have the snaps on one of the smallest settings.

My Experience With the Zippy Doo One Size Fitted Diaper:

From the moment I opened the package I was impressed. The diaper was tied up in a cute little color coordinated bow that I've saved for a little later on when my baby girl has enough hair to put it in. It also came with a small square that can be used as a diaper wipe or makeup remover. The diaper wipe is made of the same soft velour & a color coordinated print. Natalie included wash & care instructions as well.

I untied the pretty little package to get a closer look at the diaper & fell in love with the print! I selected the print from the Zippy Doo Facebook page, but it was even cuter in person. At the time I had no idea that it would have a velour lining, & boy was I impressed with that! One of the reasons I love my itty bitty d'lish dipe is because it's so super soft to the touch. Imagine that softness up against your baby's delicate skin!

Natalie informed me that it wasn't absolutely necessary to prewash her diaper, but I could if I wanted to, & it would increase the absorbency if I did. I was so eager to try it out that I didn't prewash it. Natalie also told me that she often goes without a diaper cover when she's at home with her baby. I also didn't use a diaper cover since we were at home experiencing Tropical Storm Lee at the time. My baby was in her Zippy Doo dipe for about 2 hours, & we didn't experience any leaks at all. At least half of that time she was sitting on my lap. I felt a tiny bit of dampness & knew it was time to change her.

I will confess to being a tiny bit confused by the two different color snapping system. It wasn't difficult to figure out, but I just didn't quite understand the purpose of the 2 different colors at first. I was making it more complicated than it needed to be. Natalie was kind enough to put together a photo page depicting the snapping system. It's actually fairly self explanatory - one color for the folding rise & the other for the full rise.

I've washed & tried the Zippy Doo One Size Fitted diaper two more times since that initial use. I haven't used a diaper cover either time. The absorbency has gone up with each wash, but it was definitely usable without washing it first. That's a first for me. I remember 13 years ago when I tried my very first Motherease One Size diaper & didn't know that I was supposed to prewash it first. That sucker leaked all over the place until I washed it several times. Not having to prewash was a definite treat.

These diapers are so adorable that you hate to cover them up! They don't have a layer of PUL, so for use while out & about you'll definitely want to use a diaper cover. However, you likely won't need one for at home use. If you're like me & check your baby every couple of hours even if they don't fuss to be changed, that shouldn't be a problem for you at all. The diaper is plenty absorbent enough to prevent accidents other than dampness. The snap in liner is made of bamboo fleece, so it's quite absorbent. In fact, it's actually 2 liners sewed together that snap into the diaper.

I was impressed with the fit! This diaper is very absorbent for being as trim fitting as it is. Many One Size diapers tend to be bulky. With other diapers I've tried I've experienced issues with bulk in between the legs & elsewhere. I didn't have that problem with Zippy Doo. In fact, it fit well under her clothes! With some other dipes I've had to go a size up in her clothes in order for them to fit over the diaper, but I don't have to do that with these.


1. Cute!
2. Custom made in either a print that Natalie has in stock, or one that you send to her.
3. Super soft!
4. Very absorbent!
5. Affordable! If you purchase a diaper made of one of Natalie's prints it costs $23.00. If you send in your own prints it costs $20.00.
6. Fit! Many diapers are soooo bulky - especially between the legs. These diapers are nice & trim under clothes.


1. I can really only think of one con, & it isn't much of one. I wish that the diaper was an AIO with a PUL layer in the middle. Zippy Doo Diapers are so cute that you really hate to cover them up! However, as stated earlier you can go without a cover at home.

The Giveaway:

Now for the part you've been waiting for! Natalie is giving one lucky reader one custom One Size Fitted Diaper in a print of their choice! The giveaway ends on Oct 2, at 12 Noon CST. This giveaway is open to all countries!

The first task is mandatory, with 6 extra entries, for the opportunity of 8 total entries.

Please play fair & enter with one email addy. You must respond with your username & email for each entry. However, in an effort to make this easier for both of us you can leave one comment telling me how many tasks you've completed & supplying any extra info (such as a link to your tweet or twitter id) in that comment. Thanks!

Mandatory Entry

1. Follow me with GFC & comment with your name & email. Previous followers count.

Bonus Entries:

2. Subscribe via email & respond with your name & email. Previous subscribers count, but let me know.

3. Vote for me on "We're On The Fence".

4. Follow me on Twitter (@heartnbutterfly). Respond with your Twitter ID, name & email addy.

5. Tweet about this giveaway, & respond with a link to your Tweet, name & email.

6. Follow @ZippyDoDiapers on Twitter.

7. Like Zippy Doo Diapers on Facebook. Sorry, but my links aren't working on here, so visit here!/ZippyDooDiapers

8. Leave Natalie a comment letting her know what sort of prints you're most interested in seeing her offer in the future.

Reviews & Giveaways coming soon!


  1. I follow with GFC Julia Becker jsbecker29 at gmail dot com

  2. I voted for you on We're On The Fence Julia Becker jsbecker29 at gmail dot com

  3. Yeah I'm so excited you are giving of of these away! I really want to try one. I have 5 entries and my Twitter ID is CalieB.

  4. I follow you on Twitter beckerfam Julia Becker jsbecker29 at gmail dot com

  5. I follow ZippyDooDiapers on Twitter beckerfam Julia Becker jsbecker29 at gmail dot com

  6. I like Zippy Doo Diapers on Facebook Julia Becker jsbecker29 at gmail dot com

  7. 1. I follow via GFc as MamaHunfy

    Bonus Entries:

    2. Subscribe via email: Vashti McMurray
    hun423 at

    3.I Voted "We're On The Fence".

    4. Follow you on Twitter (@heartnbutterfly)as @MamaHunfy
    hun423 at

    5. Tweet:!/MamaHunfy/status/115610993282924544

    6. Follow @ZippyDoDiapers on Twitter as @MamaHunfy

    7. I Like Zippy Doo Diapers on Facebook as Vashti McMurray

    hun423 at

  8. voted on the fence
    tomokofive at gmail dot com

  9. tweet!/orangefukurou/status/115635610185777152
    tomokofive at gmail dot com

  10. left natalie a comment about prints and thanked her for the giveaway

    dmoretti1967 at yahoo dot com

  11. 9/18 picket fence vote

    dmoretti1967 at

  12. follow you on twitter as @boyzrule1

    dmoretti1967 at yahoo dot com

  13. tweeted!/boyzrule1/status/115644829358243840

    dmoretti1967 at yahoo dot com

  14. follow zippy doo diapers on twitter as @boyzrule1

    dmoretti1967 at yahoo dot com

  15. follow zippy doo diapers on fb as debnmike moretti

    dmoretti1967 at yahoo dot com

  16. GFC - Julie G
    schramm.j at gmail dot com

  17. Email Subscriber
    schramm.j at gmail dot com

  18. PF Vote 9/19
    schramm.j at gmail dot com

  19. Twitter Follow @JRGhrist
    schramm.j at gmail dot com

  20. Tweet!/JRGhrist/status/115796490563227649
    schramm.j at gmail dot com

  21. Follow @ZippyDoDiapers on Twitter - @JRGhrist
    schramm.j at gmail dot com

  22. Like Zippy Doo Diapers on Facebook - Julie Ghrist
    schramm.j at gmail dot com

  23. 1. Follow with GFC as Melissa-WhatMommyWants
    2. Subscribe via email *new*
    3. Voted on the fence
    4. Following on twitter as @WhatMommyWants
    5. Tweeted:!/WhatMommyWants/status/115793898487554049
    6. I Follow @ZippyDoDiapers on Twitter (@WhatMommyWants)
    7. I Like Zippy Doo Diapers on Facebook Melissa Alexander
    8. Left a comment for Natalie!

    My info is: Melissa Alexander(real life and FB), Twitter: @WhatMommyWants

  24. I subscribe via email

    graceink at yahoo dot com

  25. Voted on Picket Fence

    graceink at yahoo dot com

  26. I follow @heartnbutterfly on Twitter (@Graceink)

    graceink at yahoo dot com

  27. tweet!/Graceink/status/115845413336129536

    graceink at yahoo dot com

  28. I follow @ZippyDooDiapers on Twitter (@Graceink)

    graceink at yahoo dot com

  29. I like Zippy Doo Diapers on FB (Carolyn Hughesman)

    graceink at yahoo dot com

  30. I follow your blog via gfc


    szogediek at yahoo dot com

  31. I voted for you on Picket Fence blogs

    szogediek at yahoo dot com

  32. Awesome giveaway!

    I'm following your blog via GFC and my username is Kate.

    I voted for your blog "On the Fence"

    I liked Zippy Doo Diapers on Facebook (Kate Cheney Foster).

    I left a comment for Natalie.

    My info: Kate Foster

    Thank you!

  33. GFC follower~jdm2551

  34. voted on the

  35. tweet!~ @jdm2551!/jdm2551/status/115869309259096064

  36. follow ZippyDooDiapers on twitter as @jdm2551

  37. Like ZippyDooDiapers on facebook
    Jessica Gonzalez

  38. Commented to Natalie what prints I'd like to see(on her fb page)
    Thank you
    Jessica Gonzalez

  39. 1. Follow me with GFC & comment with your name & email.

    2. Subscribe via email & respond with your name & email.

    3. Vote for me on "We're On The Fence".

    7. Like Zippy Doo Diapers on Facebook.

    8. Leave Natalie a comment letting her know what sort of prints you're most interested in seeing her offer in the future.

    All of the above done (items 1, 2, 3, 7 & 8):
    juniper76/Jennifer Walker
    juniper76-blog at yahoo dot com dot au

    There may be a different email address for item 1, but hopefully you only need this one? Let me know on FB if you need the other.

    I don't use Twitter, so can't do any of those. ;)

  40. Felicia R

    1. GFC follower as Felicia R

    2. email subscriber

    3. 9/20 "We're On The Fence" vote

    4. twitter follower (@Loves_Fluff)

    5. Tweet about this giveaway!/Loves_Fluff/status/116160886305075200

    6. Following @ZippyDooDiapers on Twitter (@Loves_Fluff)

    7. Like Zippy Doo Diapers on Facebook

    8. Her prints are really cute! The only one I can think of that I didn't see was owls or seasonal prints (i.e. pumpkins or other holiday ones)

  41. 1) GFC follower.

    2) Email subscriber. Tiffany, EtWilkins at gmail dot com

    3) Voted on the fence.

    4) Follow on twitter. IamMrsWilkins


    6) Follow Zippy Doo on twitter. IamMrsWilkins

    7) Follow Zippy Doo on FB.

    8) I love nice boy prints, especially stripes and anything with whales.

    EtWilkins at gmail dot com

  42. I now follow you and follow zippy DOO on facebook and twitter under the name mummydearest/Maggie Keefe email:

  43. Follow you through GFC Nikole Giraldi ngiraldi at gmail dot com

  44. voted at picket fence 9/21 ngiraldi at gmail dot com

  45. follow you on twitter MissOsMom ngiraldi at gmail dot com

  46. tweeted!/MissOsMom/status/116685113026297856 ngiraldi at gmail dot com

  47. Follow @ZippyDoDiapers on Twitter ngiraldi at gmail dot com

  48. GFC follower
    hmahan_0529 @yahoo dot com

  49. I follow via GFC: Baby and the Chi's

    gothickornchic at gmail dot com

  50. I subscribe via email

    gothickornchic at gmail dot com

  51. I voted for you on the fence

    gothickornchic at gmail dot com

  52. I follow you via Twitter: @BabyandtheChis

    gothickornchic at gmail dot com

  53. I follow @ZippyDooDiapers on Twitter: @BabyandtheChis

    gothickornchic at gmail dot com

  54. I like Zippy Doo Diapers on Facebook: Samantha Cuhel

    gothickornchic at gmail dot com

  55. I follow you on GFC as Jessica Sapalio

    jsapalio at yahoo dot com

  56. I follow you with GFC (to_jill at

  57. I voted for you on Picket Fences Blogs today (to_jill at

  58. - I'm a new follower! - Melissa H.,
    - I subscribe by email -
    - I voted for you
    - I follow you on Twitter - @melissastamps
    - I follow ZippyDooDiapers on Twitter - @melissastamps
    - I like ZippyDooDiapers on Facebook
    - I left Natalie a comment!


  59. I follow VIA GFC - krystyl olson -

  60. 1 - completed mandatory entry (in a previous comment)
    2-I SUB VIA email (
    3 - I voted on the fence
    4-I follow VIA TWITTER @darkkrystyl
    5- Tweeted the giveaway --!/Darkkrystyl/status/119139470258876416
    6- I follow @ZippyDooDiapers
    7- AAF of Zippidy doo diapers ! :)
    8 I left a comment :)

    Twitter - darkkrystyl
    Email -
    Facebook & GFC - krystyl Olson

    I follow via gfc as Laura

    I voted at picket fence blogs

  63. I did the mandatory entry - see comment above.

    Extra entries:

    3. Voted for you On the Fence.
    6. Follow @ZippyDoDiapers on Twitter as @jsapalio
    8. Hi Natalie - stripes in pastel boy shades would be great!

    Total of 4 entries (including mandatory)- jsapalio at yahoo dot com

  64. I follow you via GFC as costumer83 -Sharon M
    Costumer83 at hotmail dot com

  65. Follow you via GFC as Hannah Bartel/Fiddlin' Dandi

    honingharmony at gmail dot com

  66. Voted for you on picket fence

    honingharmony at gmail dot com

  67. I follow your blog on twitter as @mommagroening

    honingharmony at gmail dot com

  68. I'm a new follower! Jeniffer Smith

    elwingarwen at yahoo dot com

  69. I follow you via Twitter as @smith_jeniffer

    elwingarwen at yahoo dot com

  70. Amy says..
    - I follow via GFC - Menzies menzies(at)
    - I subscribe by email - menzies(at)
    - I voted for you
    - I follow you on twitter - @MommaMenz
    - I follow ZippyDooDiapers on Twitter - @MommaMenz
    - I tweeted about the giveaway -!/MommaMenz/status/119919866818998272
    - I left a comment for Natalie -!/MommaMenz/status/119921600387751936

  71. Tweeted giveaway -!/Darkkrystyl/status/119933811541815296

  72. 1. Follow me as JenniferB

    3. Votd on "We're On The Fence".

    4. Follow on twitter (@summerwingglow)

    6. Follow @ZippyDoDiapers on Twitter (@summerwingglow)

    7. Like Zippy Doo Diapers on Facebook (Jennifer Boardman)

    8. Leave Natalie a comment letting her know what sort of prints you're most interested in seeing her offer in the future. == Airplanes & monkeys!

    email ~ onebatchick at hotmail dot com

  73. follow GFC kristi rowland harrisk3(at)mymail(d0t)shawnee(dot)edu

  74. I follow via GFC - Breanne

    bmweida at yahoo dot com

  75. I voted on Picket Fence Blogs

    bmweida at yahoo dot com

  76. I follow you on Twitter @razzmyberry

    bmweida at yahoo dot com

  77. I follow Zippy Doo Diapers on Twitter @razzmyberry

    bmweida at yahoo dot com

  78. 1. Ashley Jossick lipsticktraces88 at yahoo dot com
    2. Ashley Jossick lipsticktraces88 at yahoo dot com
    3. Voted!
    4. spacearcady, Ashley Jossick lipsticktraces88 at yahoo dot com
    5.!/spacearcady/status/120229340297441281 Ashley Jossick lipsticktraces88 at yahoo dot com
    6. Followed (spacearcady is my username)
    7. Liked (Ashley Nicole Jossick is my FB name)
    8. Commented (Ashley Nicole Jossick is my FB name)

  79. 1. I follow via GFC as Amanda
    serenityspeaks ta ymail dot com
    Amanda Boerst

    Bonus Entries:

    2. Subscribe via email: Amanda Boerst
    serenityspeaks at ymail dot com

    3.I Voted "We're On The Fence".
    serenityspeaks at ymail dot com
    Amanda Boerst

    4. Follow you on Twitter as @serenityspeaks
    serenityspeaks at ymail dot com
    Amanda Boerst

    5. Tweet:!/serenityspeaks/status/120255027813163009
    serenityspeaks at ymail dot com
    Amanda Boerst

    6. Follow @ZippyDoDiapers on Twitter as @serenityspeaks
    serenityspeaks at ymail dot com
    Amanda Boerst

    7. I Like Zippy Doo Diapers on Facebook as Amanda Boerst
    serenityspeaks at ymail dot com

  80. I follow via GFC
    holli Moore

  81. I subscribe via email
    holli moore

  82. 1. GFC : Miki Chua - chuahuiling(at)
    2. Twitter @hreartnbutterfly: Miki Chua - chuahuiling(at)
    3. Tweet :!/mikichua/status/120406403641913344
    4, twitter @ZippyDooDiapers : Miki Chua - chuahuiling(at)
    5, Facebook Zippy Doo Diapers : Miki Chua

  83. follow you on gfc Thanks! joleehamlin [at] comcast [dot] net

  84. voted on on the fence joleehamlin [at] comcast [dot] net
