
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Essential Protection Oil Review/Giveaway for Harmony Aromatherapy

Winner: Maggie Keefe.

I'm happy to do this review/giveaway, & not just because the woman who owns & operates Harmony Aromatherapy is a long time good friend of mine. Amy Lapierre has helped me with health issues through the use of Aromatherapy in the past - long before I had this blog. I contacted Amy as soon as I started doing reviews because she made a believer of me! I want to make other people aware of the benefits of Aromatherapy as well.

About the Giveaway:

Today I'll be reviewing Harmony Aromatherapy's Essential Protection synergistic blend. One lucky reader will also win a 15 ML bottle of it! The giveaway will end on Oct 18 at 12:01 am EST & is open to residents of the US & Canada.

I was just approved to use the beta version of Rafflecopter (Yay!), so this is my first time using it. I believe it will make the entire process easier for both of us. However, it's throwing my usual start & end times off a bit. Details will be at the bottom of the review.

Some of the uses of this oil include:
  • Wound Healing
  • Pain relief
  • Fights against airborne germs - cold & flu
  • Use for household cleaning
  • Combat mold issues
  • Repel insects
  • Eczema treatment
  • Lung congestion
  • Air Freshener
  • Asthma & Brochitis
  • Arthritis
  • Cramps
  • Fatigue
  • Gout
  • Hair
  • Heart
  • Hypertension
  • Memory
Are you interested in learning more now????

About Harmony Aromatherapy:

Allow me to introduce you to Amy. Amy Lapierre is a Holistic Aromatherapist, with a certificate in Aroma 101 from the East-West School for Herbal & Aromatic studies. She's currently enrolled and completing the Master program. She wears many hats - Doula, Aromatherapist, & she's currently studying to become a massage therapist as well.

Amy first became interested in Aromatherapy while she worked as a doula (holistic child birthing coach) and childbirth educator. One of her clients was an aromatherapist. This client used her remedies during her pregnancy & post partum. As Amy saw the effects that Aromatherapy had on her client, she was amazed at what a difference Aromatherapy made for prenatal and postnatal care. The client didn't have one single stretch mark, and was eased greatly during her labor. This aroused Amy’s interest in Aromatherapy and its healing benefits.

In 2007 Amy decided to start the education process to be come a certified Aromatherapist. Today she is working as a Holistic Aromatherapist and continues to research and find many new things that Aromatherapy is beneficial for. Amy has worked with migraine suffers all the way to chronic pain clients. She has been very successful in her work and therapies. She facilitates the healing process, & works with you to identify the current problem you are facing. She believes that our bodies have their own natural healing abilities, and she will help you learn to utilize essential oils to aid that process.
Harmony Aromatherapy is family owned & operated. It's been in business since 2008.

Amy offers private consultations with custom designed oil blends to meet your own personal needs.

About Essential Protection synergistic blend:

The very first thing I wanted to know was the definition of synergistic. Amy informed me that it's the blending of oils that work well together.

This is Amy's brand new oil. It's specially formulated to help combat germs & bacteria. It protects your family with an all natural earth friendly formula. It's diluted with water & used in a spray bottle for cleaning around the house. You use it in place of any commercial cleaner, such as 409 or spray bleach. It also has many holistic uses, as listed above.

Germs & bacteria are getting stronger & harder to combat. Amy chose oils that are super charged for germ fighting & supportive of a stronger immune system.. She uses 100% pure essential oils. Sometimes the oils you buy in organic food stores aren't pure.

It can also be mixed with coconut or olive oil for use on the skin.

How To Use Essential Protection Oil:
Here are just a few examples of how to use it.

For household cleaning:
Add 15 drops to 6 ounces of distilled water (or 20 drops to 1 cup of water) in a mister bottle to help against mold issues.

To help repel insects:
Add 10 drops to 6 ounces of distilled water.

To clean and battle germs on just about any hard surface:
Add 20 drops to a ½ gallon of water.
Amy was aware of my eczema issue, so informed me that it could be used on both my eczema as well as my baby's (with my baby's concentration being much weaker than mine obviously)!!! I wish that I could've tested this out, but neither of us have had a flare up recently. However, Amy has 2 clients who use the Essential Protection Oil to treat eczema. One of them says that her eczema has completely gone away. If using the oil for that purpose Amy will start you off at the lowest concentration, confer with you every 3 days to see how it's working, & make adjustments accordingly.

My 1st use - insect repellant

I live in a suburb of New Orleans. Unfortunately, all of the water we have seems to make for a roach problem. Ever since we moved over a year ago we've had issues with small roaches! I noticed the benefits of Essential Protection Oil as I mixed the oil with water in a spray bottle at my bathroom sink. As soon as  opened the bottle of oil & began dropping it in the water I watched the few nearby roaches scurry away. YAY! They did not like it one bit!

I've only been doing this for a week, so it's not 100% tried & true yet. However, I do have a good idea of how this works. They can't stand the way it smells! As soon as I mix it up they start to run away. Spraying it at them when I see them is fun! They run. If I manage to hit one of them it seems to stun them. I have been seeing fewer of them during the day.

My 2nd use - household cleaning

I added 20 drops to 1 cup of water in a spray bottle. My first test was in the kitchen. My teenage daughter spilled iced coffee on my counter & left it there. It was dry when I tested Essential Protection Oil , & as soon as the mixture of oil & water hit it I could see it breaking up. All I had to do was wipe it up with a sponge. Very easy! It leaves behind a nice clean smell - not the smell of bleach. I also tested it in my bathroom (sink, counter, toilet seat). It worked well wherever I tested it.

Mixed up in spray bottle:

Before Pic (Coffee Spill):

After Pic (Coffee Spill):


There are so many things that I could continue to test this on! My teenage daughter has a bad knee with some knee pain, my husband has asthma, I'd like to test this on mosquitoes, & Amy even mentioned that she applies it to the bottom of her 2 youngest sons feet in the morning to give them protection against cold/flu. If I tested all of this out the review would be so long that you wouldn't read it.

My impression of Essential Protection Oil

I think this stuff is awesome! It has so many uses that it's invaluable to have around the house. Because it's a concentrated oil that requires mixing, it lasts a super long time! How could you go wrong with it? It's the ideal thing for a Mom to have on hand.

My experience with Amy

I mentioned earlier that Amy has helped me with other health issues over the years. She's always been extremely caring & concerned & checks in regularly to see how/if it's working. She's helped me bring on & intensify contractions during labor, helped me stay calm during labor, helped me with insomnia, helped my skin heal from nasty cat scratches & bites, & when suffering with post partum depression! There are other more personal health issues that she's helped me with as well.

The Giveaway

One reader will win one 15 ML bottle of it! The giveaway will end on Oct 18 at 12:01 am EST & is open to residents of the US & Canada.

Simply enter with the Rafflecopter instructions. You may have to hit the "more" button to see it. It should be MUCH easier than my previous giveaways.


  1. I am here here here...sorry :) but I spoke to Amy, so I am assuming everything ok??!!! :) Excited I won something! tee hee

  2. Hi Maggie! Yep; it's still yours. :o) I'm so glad that I found you on Facebook last night! I hope you enjoy the oil. Congrats once again! The blog is on Facebook as well if you'd like to follow there for updates on what the newest review/giveaway will be. Just do a search for heartnbutterfly's Laundry List.
